Payroll & HR Blog — Comploy

Thriving Together: The Power of a PEO

Written by Comploy | Jun 21, 2024 11:41:05 PM

In today's competitive business landscape, staying ahead demands a strategic approach to managing your most valuable asset: your people.

At Comploy, we understand the challenges businesses face in navigating HR complexities while striving for growth. That's why we're here to showcase how partnering with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like Comploy can transform your business operations and drive success.

The Growth Advantage

Did you know that businesses leveraging PEO services grow 7-9% faster than those without? According to McBassi & Company, this growth isn't just a statistic; it's a testament to the strategic support PEOs provide in streamlining HR processes, allowing businesses to focus more on innovation and expansion.

Cost Efficiency and Savings

One of the most compelling reasons to partner with a PEO is the significant cost savings. On average, companies can reduce HR administration costs by up to 35% by outsourcing to a PEO. This includes savings on payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance management, freeing up resources to invest back into your core business initiatives.

Compliance and Risk Management Made Simple

Navigating the complex landscape of employment laws and regulations can be daunting. With Comploy as your PEO partner, you benefit from robust compliance expertise, reducing the risk of costly penalties and lawsuits. In fact, businesses using PEOs are 50% less likely to face employment-related legal issues—an assurance that allows you to focus on business growth with peace of mind.

Enhancing Employee Benefits and Satisfaction

Offering competitive employee benefits is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. Remarkably, 98% of PEOs offer some retirement plan to their small business clients. This high percentage underscores the significant impact PEOs have in enhancing the benefits available to employees of small businesses, ensuring better financial security for their future.

Improving the Application and Onboarding Process

Integrated Applicant Tracking System (ATS) ensures seamless transitions from application to onboarding, incorporating background screening and interview processes. This streamlining enhances efficiency, improves data accuracy, and provides candidates with a smoother, more transparent experience throughout their journey with us. 

Focus on Core Business and ROI

Imagine reclaiming up to 20 hours per week that would otherwise be spent on HR tasks. PEO partners empower you to redirect this time towards strategic initiatives and revenue-generating activities, maximizing your return on investment. For every dollar invested in PEO services, businesses typically see a return of $1.27 to $1.35 in cost savings and efficiencies—a testament to the tangible benefits of our partnership.


Partnering with Comploy isn't just about outsourcing HR—it's about harnessing our expertise to unlock your business's full potential. Whether you're a small startup or a growing enterprise, our PEO services are designed to scale with your needs, providing personalized support and expertise every step of the way.

Ready to accelerate your business success? Contact Comploy today to discover how our comprehensive HR solutions can transform your business. Let's navigate the future of work together, with Comploy by your side.


  • McBassi & Company study on PEO growth benefits. Source: NAPEO - PEO Industry Fact Sheet
  • Statistics on HR administration cost savings and compliance benefits. Source: NAPEO - PEO Industry Data